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Code Review Agent Code Review Intelligent Agent

Code Review Intelligent Agent provides a series of commands to assist development teams in code reviews, helping the team to quickly understand code changes and improve code merging efficiency. The documentation provides the available commands in the current version, each with a detailed page on how to use them, as well as configuration instructions for some core parameters.
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Code Review Agent Command Reference

Here is a list of Code Review Agent command , each with a dedicated page that explains how to use it:

Tool Description
PR Description (/summary 或者 /describe) Automatically generating PR description - title, type, summary, code walkthrough and labels
[PR Review (/review](./" >}}) Adjustable feedback about the PR, possible issues, security concerns, review effort and more
[Question Answering (/ask ...](./" >}}) Answering free-text questions about the PR, or on specific code lines
[Update Changelog (/update_changelog](./" >}}) Automatically updating the file with the PR changes
Code Suggestions (/improve --pr_code_suggestions.commitable_code_suggestions=tru) Code suggestions for improving the PR,only working commitable_code_suggestions mode
[Help /config] show the current configuration of the tools
[Help (/help](./" >}}) Provides a list of all the available tools.

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The ask tool answers questions about the PR, based on the PR code changes. Make sure to be specific and clear in your questions. It can be invoked manually by commenting on any PR:

/ask "..."

Example usage

Ask Comment{width=512}


Note that the tool does not have “memory” of previous questions, and answers each question independently.

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The describe tool scans the PR code changes, and generates a description for the PR - title, type, summary, walkthrough and labels.

The tool can be triggered automatically every time a new PR be created, or it can be invoked manually by commenting on any PR:


Example usage

Manual triggering

Invoke the tool manually by commenting /describe on any PR:

Describe comment{width=512}

After ~30 seconds, the tool will generate a description for the PR:

Describe New{width=512}

If you want to edit configurations, add the relevant ones to the command:

/describe --pr_description.some_config1=... --pr_description.some_config2=...

Automatic triggering

To run the describe automatically when a PR is opened, define in a configuration file:

pr_commands = [
    #"/review --pr_reviewer.num_code_suggestions=0",
    #"/improve", #dont add this ,mabey has loop exec bug

url = "" # URL to the gitlab service
pr_commands = [
    "/describe --pr_description.final_update_message=false",
    "/review --pr_reviewer.num_code_suggestions=0",
handle_push_trigger = false
push_commands = [
    "/review --pr_reviewer.num_code_suggestions=0",

publish_labels = ...
  • The pr_commands lists commands that will be executed automatically when a PR is opened.
  • The [pr_description] section contains the configurations for the describe tool you want to edit (if any).

Configuration options

!!! example “Possible configurations”

publish_labels If set to true, the tool will publish the labels to the PR. Default is true.
publish_description_as_comment If set to true, the tool will publish the description as a comment to the PR. If false, it will overwrite the original description. Default is false.
publish_description_as_comment_persistent If set to true and `publish_description_as_comment` is true, the tool will publish the description as a persistent comment to the PR. Default is true.
add_original_user_description If set to true, the tool will add the original user description to the generated description. Default is true.
generate_ai_title If set to true, the tool will also generate an AI title for the PR. Default is false.
extra_instructions Optional extra instructions to the tool. For example: "focus on the changes in the file X. Ignore change in ..."
enable_pr_type If set to false, it will not show the `PR type` as a text value in the description content. Default is true.
final_update_message If set to true, it will add a comment message [`PR Description updated to latest commit...`](pull/499#issuecomment-1837412176) after finishing calling `/describe`. Default is false.
enable_semantic_files_types If set to true, "Changes walkthrough" section will be generated. Default is true.
collapsible_file_list If set to true, the file list in the "Changes walkthrough" section will be collapsible. If set to "adaptive", the file list will be collapsible only if there are more than 8 files. Default is "adaptive".
enable_help_text If set to true, the tool will display a help text in the comment. Default is false.

Markers template

To enable markers, set pr_description.use_description_markers=true. Markers enable to easily integrate user’s content and auto-generated content, with a template-like mechanism.

For example, if the PR original description was:

User content...

## PR Type:

## PR Description:

## PR Walkthrough:

The marker pr_agent:type will be replaced with the PR type, pr_agent:summary will be replaced with the PR summary, and pr_agent:walkthrough will be replaced with the PR walkthrough.

Describe markers before{width=512}

Describe markers after{width=512}

Configuration params:

  • use_description_markers: if set to true, the tool will use markers template. It replaces every marker of the form pr_agent:marker_name with the relevant content. Default is false.
  • include_generated_by_header: if set to true, the tool will add a dedicated header: ‘Generated by PR Agent at …’ to any automatic content. Default is true.

Usage Tips

!!! tip “Automation” - When you first install , the default mode for the describe tool is: pr_commands = ["/describe", ...] meaning the describe tool will run automatically when any PR be created, with the default configurations.

  • Markers are an alternative way to control the generated description, to give maximal control to the user. If you set:
pr_commands = ["/describe --pr_description.use_description_markers=true", ...]

the tool will replace every marker of the form pr_agent:marker_name in the PR description with the relevant content, where marker_name is one of the following: * type: the PR type. * summary: the PR summary. * walkthrough: the PR walkthrough.

  • Note that when markers are enabled, if the original PR description does not contain any markers, the tool will not alter the description at all.

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The help tool provides a list of all the available tools and their descriptions. For PR-Agent Pro users, it also enables to trigger each tool by checking the relevant box.

It can be invoked manually by commenting on any PR:


Example usage

An example result:

Help 1{width=750}

Analyze 2{width=750}

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The improve tool scans the PR code changes, and automatically generates suggestions for improving the PR code. The tool can be triggered automatically every time a new PR is opened, or it can be invoked manually by commenting on any PR:


Example usage

Manual triggering

Invoke the tool manually by commenting /improve on any PR. The code suggestions by default are presented as a single comment:

![code suggestions as comment]code_suggestions_as_comment.png){width=512}

To edit configurations related to the improve tool, use the following template:

/improve --pr_code_suggestions.some_config1=... --pr_code_suggestions.some_config2=...

For example, you can choose to present the suggestions as commitable code comments, by running the following command:

/improve --pr_code_suggestions.commitable_code_suggestions=true


Note that a single comment has a significantly smaller PR footprint. We recommend this mode for most cases. Also note that collapsible are not supported in Bitbucket. Hence, the suggestions are presented there as code comments.

Automatic triggering

To run the improve automatically when a PR is opened, define in a configuration file:

pr_commands = [

num_code_suggestions_per_chunk = ...
  • The pr_commands lists commands that will be executed automatically when a PR is opened.
  • The [pr_code_suggestions] section contains the configurations for the improve tool you want to edit (if any)

Extended mode

An extended mode, which does not involve PR Compression and provides more comprehensive suggestions, can be invoked by commenting on any PR by setting:


(This mode is true by default).

Note that the extended mode divides the PR code changes into chunks, up to the token limits, where each chunk is handled separately (might use multiple calls to GPT-4 for large PRs). Hence, the total number of suggestions is proportional to the number of chunks, i.e., the size of the PR.

Configuration options

!!! example “General options”

num_code_suggestions Number of code suggestions provided by the 'improve' tool. Default is 4 for CLI, 0 for auto tools.
extra_instructions Optional extra instructions to the tool. For example: "focus on the changes in the file X. Ignore change in ...".
rank_suggestions If set to true, the tool will rank the suggestions, based on importance. Default is false.
commitable_code_suggestions If set to true, the tool will display the suggestions as commitable code comments. Default is false.
persistent_comment If set to true, the improve comment will be persistent, meaning that every new improve request will edit the previous one. Default is false.
self_reflect_on_suggestions If set to true, the improve tool will calculate an importance score for each suggestion [1-10], and sort the suggestion labels group based on this score. Default is true.
suggestions_score_threshold Any suggestion with importance score less than this threshold will be removed. Default is 0. Highly recommend not to set this value above 7-8, since above it may clip relevant suggestions that can be useful.
enable_help_text If set to true, the tool will display a help text in the comment. Default is true.

!!! example “params for ’extended’ mode”

auto_extended_mode Enable extended mode automatically (no need for the --extended option). Default is true.
num_code_suggestions_per_chunk Number of code suggestions provided by the 'improve' tool, per chunk. Default is 5.
rank_extended_suggestions If set to true, the tool will rank the suggestions, based on importance. Default is true.
max_number_of_calls Maximum number of chunks. Default is 5.
final_clip_factor Factor to remove suggestions with low confidence. Default is 0.9.

Usage Tips

!!! tip “Extra instructions”

Extra instructions are very important for the `imrpove` tool, since they enable you to guide the model to suggestions that are more relevant to the specific needs of the project.

Be specific, clear, and concise in the instructions. With extra instructions, you are the prompter. Specify relevant aspects that you want the model to focus on.

Examples for extra instructions:
[pr_code_suggestions] # /improve #
Emphasize the following aspects:
- Does the code logic cover relevant edge cases?
- Is the code logic clear and easy to understand?
- Is the code logic efficient?
Use triple quotes to write multi-line instructions. Use bullet points to make the instructions more readable.

!!! tip “Review vs. Improve tools comparison”

- The [review](./ tool includes a section called 'Possible issues', that also provide feedback on the PR Code.
In this section, the model is instructed to focus **only** on [major bugs and issues](settings/pr_reviewer_prompts.toml#L71).
- The `improve` tool, on the other hand, has a broader mandate, and in addition to bugs and issues, it can also give suggestions for improving code quality and making the code more efficient, readable, and maintainable (see [here](pr_code_suggestions_prompts.toml#L34)).
- Hence, if you are interested only in feedback about clear bugs, the `review` tool might suffice. If you want a more detailed feedback, including broader suggestions for improving the PR code, also enable the `improve` tool to run on each PR.

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The review tool scans the PR code changes, and automatically generates a PR review. The tool can be triggered automatically every time a new PR is opened, or can be invoked manually by commenting on any PR:


Example usage

Manual triggering

Invoke the tool manually by commenting /review on any PR:

review comment{width=512}

After ~30 seconds, the tool will generate a review for the PR:


If you want to edit configurations, add the relevant ones to the command:

/review --pr_reviewer.some_config1=... --pr_reviewer.some_config2=...

Automatic triggering

To run the review automatically when a PR is opened, define in a configuration file:

pr_commands = [

num_code_suggestions = ...
  • The pr_commands lists commands that will be executed automatically when a PR is opened.
  • The [pr_reviewer] section contains the configurations for the review tool you want to edit (if any).

Incremental Mode

Incremental review only considers changes since the last PR-Agent review. This can be useful when working on the PR in an iterative manner, and you want to focus on the changes since the last review instead of reviewing the entire PR again. For invoking the incremental mode, the following command can be used:

/review -i

Note that the incremental mode is only available for GitHub.

incremental review{width=512}

PR Reflection

By invoking:


The tool will first ask the author questions about the PR, and will guide the review based on their answers.

Configuration options

!!! example “General options”

num_code_suggestions Number of code suggestions provided by the 'review' tool. For manual comments, default is 4. For PR-Agent app auto tools, default is 0, meaning no code suggestions will be provided by the review tool, unless you manually edit pr_commands.
inline_code_comments If set to true, the tool will publish the code suggestions as comments on the code diff. Default is false.
persistent_comment If set to true, the review comment will be persistent, meaning that every new review request will edit the previous one. Default is true.
extra_instructions Optional extra instructions to the tool. For example: "focus on the changes in the file X. Ignore change in ...".
enable_help_text If set to true, the tool will display a help text in the comment. Default is true.

!!! example “Enable\disable specific sub-sections”

require_score_review If set to true, the tool will add a section that scores the PR. Default is false.
require_tests_review If set to true, the tool will add a section that checks if the PR contains tests. Default is true.
require_estimate_effort_to_review If set to true, the tool will add a section that estimates the effort needed to review the PR. Default is true.
require_can_be_split_review If set to true, the tool will add a section that checks if the PR contains several themes, and can be split into smaller PRs. Default is false.

!!! example “SOC2 ticket compliance 💎”

This sub-tool checks if the PR description properly contains a ticket to a project management system (e.g., Jira, Asana, Trello, etc.), as required by SOC2 compliance. If not, it will add a label to the PR: “Missing SOC2 ticket”.

require_soc2_ticket If set to true, the SOC2 ticket checker sub-tool will be enabled. Default is false.
soc2_ticket_prompt The prompt for the SOC2 ticket review. Default is: `Does the PR description include a link to ticket in a project management system (e.g., Jira, Asana, Trello, etc.) ?`. Edit this field if your compliance requirements are different.

!!! example “Adding PR labels”

You can enable\disable the review tool to add specific labels to the PR:

enable_review_labels_security If set to true, the tool will publish a 'possible security issue' label if it detects a security issue. Default is true.
enable_review_labels_effort If set to true, the tool will publish a 'Review effort [1-5]: x' label. Default is true.

!!! example “Auto-approval”

If enabled, the review tool can approve a PR when a specific comment, /review auto_approve, is invoked.

enable_auto_approval If set to true, the tool will approve the PR when invoked with the 'auto_approve' command. Default is false. This flag can be changed only from configuration file.
maximal_review_effort Maximal effort level for auto-approval. If the PR's estimated review effort is above this threshold, the auto-approval will not run. Default is 5.

Usage Tips

!!! tip “General guidelines”

The `review` tool provides a collection of possible feedbacks about a PR.
It is recommended to review the [Configuration options](#configuration-options) section, and choose the relevant options for your use case.

Some of the features that are disabled by default are quite useful, and should be considered for enabling. For example: 
`require_score_review`, `require_soc2_ticket`, and more.

On the other hand, if you find one of the enabled features to be irrelevant for your use case, disable it. No default configuration can fit all use cases.

!!! tip “Automation” When you first install PR-Agent app, the default mode for the review tool is: pr_commands = ["/review --pr_reviewer.num_code_suggestions=0", ...] Meaning the review tool will run automatically on every PR, without providing code suggestions. Edit this field to enable/disable the tool, or to change the used configurations.

!!! tip “Code suggestions”

If you set `num_code_suggestions`>0 , the `review` tool will also provide code suggestions.

Notice If you are interested **only** in the code suggestions, it is recommended to use the [`improve`](./ feature instead, since it is a dedicated only to code suggestions, and usually gives better results.
Use the `review` tool if you want to get more comprehensive feedback, which includes code suggestions as well.

!!! tip “Possible labels from the review tool”

The `review` tool can auto-generate two specific types of labels for a PR:

- a `possible security issue` label that detects if a possible [security issue](settings/pr_reviewer_prompts.toml#L136) exists in the PR code (`enable_review_labels_security` flag)
- a `Review effort [1-5]: x` label, where x is the estimated effort to review the PR (`enable_review_labels_effort` flag)

Both modes are useful, and we recommended to enable them.

!!! tip “Extra instructions”

Extra instructions are important.
The `review` tool can be configured with extra instructions, which can be used to guide the model to a feedback tailored to the needs of your project.

Be specific, clear, and concise in the instructions. With extra instructions, you are the prompter. Specify the relevant sub-tool, and the relevant aspects of the PR that you want to emphasize.

Examples for extra instructions:
In the code feedback section, emphasize the following:
- Does the code logic cover relevant edge cases?
- Is the code logic clear and easy to understand?
- Is the code logic efficient?
Use triple quotes to write multi-line instructions. Use bullet points to make the instructions more readable.

!!! tip “Auto-approval”

PR-Agent can approve a PR when a specific comment is invoked.

To ensure safety, the auto-approval feature is disabled by default. To enable auto-approval, you need to actively set in a pre-defined configuration file the following:
enable_auto_approval = true
(this specific flag cannot be set with a command line argument, only in the configuration file, committed to the repository)

After enabling, by commenting on a PR:
/review auto_approve
PR-Agent will automatically approve the PR, and add a comment with the approval.

You can also enable auto-approval only if the PR meets certain requirements, such as that the `estimated_review_effort` label is equal or below a certain threshold, by adjusting the flag:
maximal_review_effort = 5

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The update_changelog tool automatically updates the file with the PR changes. It can be invoked manually by commenting on any PR:


Example usage



Configuration options

Under the section pr_update_changelog, the configuration file contains options to customize the ‘update changelog’ tool:

  • push_changelog_changes: whether to push the changes to, or just print them. Default is false (print only).
  • extra_instructions: Optional extra instructions to the tool. For example: “focus on the changes in the file X. Ignore change in …