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Plugin Upload Filename Validation

AISE Management - App Marketplace Management page adds filename validation when uploading plugin installation packages

Feature Description

AISE Management - App Market Management page adds filename validation when uploading plugin installation packages, with the following rules:

  • Start with English letters, can use _ or - as connectors, spaces are not allowed
  • Followed by a major version number (digits), must use _ or - as connector
  • After major version number, a decimal point followed by minor version number (digits)
  • Then a point followed by build number (digits)
  • File extension must be zip or vsi

Operation Guide

Scenario Title

Uploading file smartcode_vscode(2) will cause errors and prevent download

Scenario Description

In daily operations, multiple downloads or saves of the same file may result in filenames with parentheses. Uploading such files will cause the plugin to fail to download in the App Marketplace with errors

Operation Steps

  1. After adding filename validation, upload files that meet the format requirements on the AISE Management - App Market Management page


  1. Can be successfully downloaded without errors.
